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equine facilitated therapy
"learning that lasts.

therapy that makes a difference."


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Horses are very sensitive beings.

They sense what we are feeling. They stand with us in our grief, play with us in our joy, challenge us in our resistance.

They help ground us in the present moment and teach us the value of patience.


What makes this a particularly effective therapy is that you will engage all your senses in a unique environment, thereby enabling your brain to create new neural connections and associations. You will be able to shift from those well worn pathways that kept you stuck in a stress or trauma response to new ones that will free you into a new life.


We will do this through systematic somatic processing and emotion regulation at a gentle pace that feels safe to you. Over time you will re-establish your ability to trust the world and you will re-build your confidence.


This kind of work takes place in that sweet spot of emotional regulation where learning and change are enhanced. This is what allows me to state with confidence that this is


"Learning That Lasts and

Therapy That Makes a Difference." 

what is equine facilitated therapy?

In a nutshell: instead of counselling in my office we go out in the paddock with my horses who become part of the process as co-therapists. How? Read on...


What does a horse-assisted learning or therapy session look like? 


It can look different every time. Initially we gently and respectfully meet the horses and learn about safety in their presence. Then we will talk about what you hope for from this time together and what might be troubling or challenging in your life that you would like to work with. We might spend quiet, meditative time with a horse, maybe do some activities like brushing or walking a horse, and/or practice new ways of being you in the presence of a horse.


These might sound like gentle exercises. They are. But they are also grounded in neuroscience and are designed to help you get out of the rut your brain might be in and generate new neural pathways. It is a combined form of mindfulness, somatic psychotherapy, stress or trauma processing and individual psychotherapy.


All of this will happen within a safe “container” that keeps your intention in mind. I will pace what is happening throughout the session to stay within your stress window of tolerance. In other words, my job will be to keep you in a comfort zone where learning can happen.


It is important to know that this does not involve getting on a horse and learning how to ride. This time is meant to be nurturing for your soul, a time of self-paced introspection and reflection, guided by me, a psychotherapist who specializes

in this field. All interactions

take place on the ground.


Contact me to discuss pricing options:




3 of my favourite things! So I thought why not put them all together and invite others to join in a unique equine experience here at Listening Horse Ranch. Bring your tea (or coffee or non-alcoholic beverage) and I'll supply the meditation and horses. With the friendly bests surrounding us we'll enter into a calm, reflective state from which you can explore some of life's questions that have been calling for your attention. This is mostly a quiet time for personal reflection but sharing is also invited. This is not gender based and all are welcome. Call or email for more information.



At LISTENING HORSE RANCH we currently have 2 quarter horses, 1 thoroughbred and 2 miniature horses. We also have 2 dogs, 4 chickens and some wild geese. Translation: wear washable clothes and rubber boots. Definitely not sandals.

Or Prada.


In this time of COVID-19 being in the

fresh air with plenty of space

makes this do-able.

COVID-19 protocols are followed.

You will be required to use hand sanitizer which we provide.


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Listening Horse Ranch is a
Horse Council BC
Premium Business Member

and a
Member of the
Professional Association for 
Equine Facilitated Wellness


1760 Pell Road, Xwesam
(Roberts Creek), BC  V0N 2W1

Respectfully living and operating on the traditional meeting grounds of the shishalh and skwxwu7mesh nations.


A brighter future awaits...

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